Avinya Foundation

Series 2, Blog #30 – Spirited Classrooms and Impactful Sessions

Hi everyone,

Welcome to two weeks worth of learning adventures at Avinya! From this week onwards, our lovely Educators will be updating the Avinya Scoop and today we’re featuring Anuki, Educator and part-time secret blog writer as we’ve recently discovered!

This term Rosh and I are handling the Empower short term course. It’s definitely a new challenge for us but it’s also super exciting and so far we have had such a great time teaching English and IT to our new batch. I am once again the Homeroom teacher of the Bears class. It’s really nice to see how the dynamics of each class changes with each set of students.

The students in my class are super active and very eager to learn something new everyday. They are also big fans of games and activities that involve a lot of actions and movements around the class. Sometimes they take these games a bit too seriously which results in friendly commotion in class. It’s a win-win because they learn so much while having fun in class!

We also had Learn for Life Lanka visit us for yet another amazing session. This time, they fostered the concept of Critical Thinking in our students. Anushka and Sachinda brought awareness on the importance of thinking about something critically and how to come to well rounded conclusions and decisions without solely relying on the opinions of others. This session was also filled with so many practical and eye opening activities. It’s always an insightful session for the students whenever Learn for Life visits Avinya. 

Finally, we’ve started our community sessions once again. Now we conduct community sessions twice a week to students around the area who are of ages 10 to 16. It’s a bit challenging yet fun to get into the mindset of the students this age as we try to improve their overall speaking and listening skills. These sessions vary from safari rides, to mimes, to creating stories to singing songs. It is fascinating to see how these kids view the world around them! 


That’s all from me for now! See you next time! 

– Anuki

Thank you Anuki! While our Empower short term course is thriving on one side of the academy, our vocational courses have taken off as well. Both IT and CS have cleared the first modules with a final assessment. Majority of our students have gotten through this assessment while some of the others who found it a tad difficult managed to clear this hurdle on their second attempt. I’ve personally had the chance to work on a few pronunciation club lessons with both these groups and I was happy to see that they’re hard at work to not just excel at their respective vocational studies but at improving English and other soft skills as well.

We’re also happy to announce that we’ve successfully concluded the final steps in securing course inclusion for our NVQ L3 courses from TVEC. A special thank you goes out to Sanduni and Geeth for their tireless efforts in bringing this to fruition. With these final steps completed we eagerly await positive updates regarding our course inclusion application in the upcoming weeks.

– Sinalie