Avinya Foundation

Series 2, Blog #32 – Avurudu Festivities, One Too Many Cakes and Brainstorming with Risotto

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to another installment of the Avinya Scoop! This week features our educator Roshani as she takes us through Avinya, post Avurudu holiday.

Hi, it’s Roshani here and let me walk you through our Avinya journey for the past two weeks.

The highlight of these two weeks was the Avinya Avurudu Celebration. It was a blend of tradition and unity, unfolding seamlessly, leaving an undeniable mark on all who participated. The enthusiasm and participation of students in the festivities added an extra layer of richness to the event.

What truly warmed my heart was the spirit of unity and camaraderie that permeated the entire day. It was inspiring to witness students from different courses coming together as one cohesive unit, united by a common purpose. Their initiative in organizing the event showcased their leadership skills and their willingness to go above and beyond to create a meaningful experience for everyone involved.

From cultural learning to teamwork and empathy, the Avurudu Celebration was a day filled with valuable lessons and unforgettable moments. It serves as a poignant reminder of the power of unity in diversity and the beauty of sharing and caring for one another.

In the midst of festivities, we also celebrated the birthdays of two cherished team members. Geeth, our new fashionista, is one of the two. Even Though I couldn’t find his favourite marmalade cake, I am sure he thoroughly enjoyed his second favourite cake. We are so grateful to have him and his expertise on our team. We also celebrated our dearest Lahirus birthday this week who is our go-to tech guru, whose support is invaluable during technical hiccups. 

– Roshani











Thank you Roshani! While it was a much appreciated vacation, we’re all very happy to be back to the thriving environment at Avinya. Avurudu brought some treats for the students as three of the classrooms have now been fitted with televisions for better projection of course content and interactive learning. We thank Orel Corporation (Pvt) Ltd for our purchase and for the support involved in seamlessly installing the TVs in the classrooms.

The term also started with a wonderful lunch hosted by Sanjiva. Thank you Sanjiva, I speak for the whole team when I say we thoroughly enjoyed it! (We did however, forget to take a proper picture before everyone left) In true Avinya fashion, we turned it into an interesting brainstorming session about our upcoming plans for September. While we were stuffing ourselves with various Italian delicacies, we came up with a few ideas to consider and research on. We will be taking the time to properly evaluate these options and decide on the best fit for our students. 

That’s it for today, we’ll see you in two weeks with more news!

– Sinalie