Avinya Foundation

Series 2, Blog #37 – Trials, Triumphs and Unyielding Spirits

Dear readers,

As I pen another Avinya Scoop, we approach the end of another set of courses. This week, I want to dedicate the blog to my amazing Avinya team and appreciate everyone’s remarkable, hard work. As we wrap up this chapter, everyone’s resolute will to never give up has made all the difference. This week we’ll celebrate weathering through some of the challenges that we’ve faced.

As yet another journey for a set of Avinya students comes to an end, they are getting ready to face the TVEC NVQ Level 3 exams. Being relatively new to the Tertiary Vocational field, we still had some loose ends to tie up with TVEC, which we finally accomplished this past week! It may not sound like a huge task and there’s only so much I can explain, but it required immense communication, coordination and delicate navigating. For this, we applaud Sanduni, who’s always ready to find the silver lining of any dark cloud.

Meanwhile, Geeth, Isuru and Vihan are prepping our Customer Service and IT students for their exams. This is a task never undertaken by any of the students or educators before. Countless hours have been spent carefully developing materials and assignments, and getting the students ready for this significant hurdle in their lives so that they may cross over to greener pastures after Avinya.

The Empower Short Term Course students are also reaching their own milestones with a fast-approaching graduation. Before that, they must face a mock interview to prepare for the real world. Every student is a little duckling to Anuki and Roshani, who have taken them under their wings (and let me tell you, both of them put together make up one small person) and made sure each and every one of them is ready to go out and conquer the world.

In the meantime, all of us including Ilma and Aruni, have been focused on recruiting the next batch of students for our upcoming course. This was a significant challenge last time and we’ve redoubled our efforts on student recruitment and we hope the courses we offer will speak to the students’ needs and future aspirations. We’ve only just begun so it’s difficult to predict which way the wind will blow, but we’ll keep trying our best because team Avinya at its core is our commitment to all our students past, present and future.

On that note, it’s goodbye for this week’s Avinya Scoop. Until next time!

– Sinalie