Avinya Foundation

Series 3, Blog #1 – Reimagining Success: The importance of pivoting on the Avinya Journey.

Hello dear readers,

Welcome to another installment of the Avinya Scoop, an especially exciting one! Have you wondered where we’ve been all this time? Yes, we apologize for going MIA, but rest assured we’ve been busy behind the scenes. After taking some time off to reflect, learn from our experiences, revamping our curriculums and brainstorm, we’re back with some exciting updates! And who better to share them with than the face of our Bandaragama Avinya Academy, Ilma. Over to you, Ilma!

At Avinya Academy, we’ve always believed in education’s transformative power. But as we’ve grown; so have our challenges and opportunities for reflection. As we reset our program, we’re excited to share how we’re redefining education for underprivileged young adults to prepare them for the modern workforce.

Taking time to reflect 

Looking back at our first batch of students, we witnessed some inspiring transformations. Many young people, who had been let down by traditional education, found confidence and developed important life skills. However, it became clear that some areas needed a closer look. Were we truly preparing our students for life beyond the classroom? Were they ready to enter the professional world?

The answer: Not quite yet. Many of our students were between 16 and 18 years old, and despite their academic potential, they often lacked the life experience needed for the working world. They weren’t quite ready to move away from home or confidently step into job placements. This was a pivotal learning moment for us.

Learning from the Past

Our first three cohorts taught us valuable lessons. The students who were too shy to look us in the eye at the beginning of the program blossomed with self confidence, they were able to confidently present at the end of the program. They also took big strides in terms of developing their digital literacy and problem solving skills through PBL. These life skills are essential and will serve them in any future career.

However, the biggest hurdle we faced was language proficiency. While students made progress, six months wasn’t enough to achieve the level of fluency in English we hoped to achieve, particularly in professional contexts. This struggle with communication also affected their ability to adjust to new work environments. This realization led to extending the program, giving students more time to fully develop their language and job skills.

Moving forward in response to these insights, we made few critical changes to our current program:

  • Increasing the Target Age Group 

We now focus on students aged 19 to 25, young adults who are more emotionally and socially equipped for the realities of work. This shift allows us to engage individuals who are not only more mature but ready to take on the challenges of professional life.

  • Extending the Program Duration

We expanded the course from six months to eleven. This was not just to give students more time to study but to allow them to develop resilience, confidence, and real-world readiness.

  • Supporting Our Students with an Increased Stipend

We recognize the financial challenges many of our students face, which is the reason why we chose to increase the stipend. It is a reflection of our commitment to teaching responsibility, accountability, and the value of hard work. Students receive Rs.10,000 per month for the first five months and Rs.15,000 per month for the final six months, but this financial support is earned. It is tied directly to their dedication to the program and their willingness to invest time and effort in their own growth. By demonstrating consistent commitment and a genuine interest in learning, students are not only gaining skills, they are learning the importance of earning and sustaining their livelihood through effort and perseverance.

  • Revamped Curriculum: Building a Strong Foundation

In the first five months of the program, students will build essential skills in English Language Proficiency, Information Technology, Job Skills, NVQ Level 3 Customer Service Training which includes versatile skills such as personal hygiene, hazard management and interpersonal relationship development. 

This foundational knowledge will prepare them to meet the demands of the modern workplace and grow in their respective fields.

  • Hands-On Experience: The Final Six Months

The last six months of the program are immersive and practical. Students will spend two days per week in job training with one of our partner companies. Spend the remaining three days of the  week at the academy pursuing a City & Guilds Level 2 Front Office certification.

This combination of classroom learning and real-world experience is designed to help students seamlessly transition into the professional world.

Looking Ahead: The Importance of Partnerships

At Avinya Academy, we believe in the power of collaboration. We’ve reimagined our program to give our students the time, skills, and confidence they need to thrive. But we can’t do it alone. The strength of our academy lies in partnerships – with donors, businesses, and community members who share our vision.

We want to hear from you. What has worked in your own educational or professional journey? How can we better prepare these young adults for the challenges they will face? Your insights are invaluable to us as we continue to refine our approach.

Let’s reimagine education together. Help us build a brighter future for these young adults, one that’s filled with hope, opportunity, and the promise of success.

Thanks Ilma for the wonderful reflection! On that note, I’m signing off, we’ll see you in the next update!
