Avinya Foundation

#19 Goodbye 2022

In this last week of 2022, team Avinya has continued to be a busy colony of bees.  Our wonderful Educator team has been reaching out to students who have applied and processing their applications. We continue to have the pleasure of meeting our prospective new students at interviews down in Bandaragama. Our new school building […]

#18 Sigiriya, Shilpa and Shastra

We’ve continued to keep our focus on student recruitment this week as well as ensuring our academic management systems continue to take shape. In addition, we had lots of things going on in parallel. For example, Lakshman, Samisa and our team of Educators delivered workshops to raise awareness and to engage our enrolled students. It’s […]

#17 Mung Kavum, Wali Thalapa and Student Enrollments

Me: Thank you for coming for the interview. We are happy for you to enroll with the Avinya Academy Bandaragama. Here are our enrollment details, why don’t you take some time to think it over and we’ll have a chat with your parents too.  Student: I want to join now. Me: That’s wonderful! Let’s go […]

#16 Thank you for being kind

“Thank you for being kind!”  This is a phrase many of the parents said with beaming smiles as they left after their child had finished their interview with us this week.  “It’s great that you are helping Sri Lankan students!”  “This is a great project!”  These are some of the other ideas they shared with […]

#15 Giving Hope. Creating Vision. Changing Lives.

This week’s blog title is us in six words.  As Sanjiva always keeps reminding us – who is this all about anyway?  The students, of course! This week has been all about the students. It’s been a personal highlight and I’m sure for many in the team as well. On Tuesday, we headed down to […]

#14 The Path to Building Trust

The Path to Building Trust Let me start this week’s blog with a story.  It’s been sometime since I’ve been in the classroom, but I distinctly remember the students I have taught and have accumulated my own treasure trove of memories. I think these hold a special place in every teacher’s heart.  Let me tell […]

#13 Hotdogs, Epicenters and Versatility

“If you’re opening a hot dog stand, you could worry about the condiments, the cart, the name, the decoration. But the first thing you should worry about is the hot dog. The hot dogs are the epicenter. Everything else is secondary.” Jason Fried What am I on about you may wonder? Since when does Avinya focus […]

#12 We are Live and Open for Admissions!

You know how last week I implied that this week would be a pretty special one for Team Avinya? Well, it’s been that and more! We ran the last stretch of testing our Admissions system and are now extremely happy to report that admissions are now open for our very first Avinya Academy in… Bandaragama. For […]

#11 Admissions, Recipe 120 and Forging ahead

This week, I have been tasked with the tall order of following on from the fantastic blog from our amazing educator team… I shall try to keep up!  It’s been another wonderful week of incredible work. If you looked through the windows you would’ve seen so much of activity that it would have made your […]

#10 Jenga – rise, fall and rebuild

“Life is a game, you can play it safe and be good or you take a chance and be great” – Unknown Hello there! It’s the educators at Avinya taking over for this week. Staying true to Anju’s blog spirit we decided to start off with a quote that captures the essence of this week’s […]