#10 Jenga – rise, fall and rebuild
“Life is a game, you can play it safe and be good or you take a chance and be great” – Unknown Hello there! It’s the educators at Avinya taking over for this week. Staying true to Anju’s blog spirit we decided to start off with a quote that captures the essence of this week’s […]
#9 Sprint 7, floods and fire, careers that change the planet
This Monday, at our usual sprint planning call, we moved to sprint 7. I looked at sprint 7 and scrolled down casually…and down and down and then some…you get my drift. Sprint 7 is rather long! I almost put my head in my hands but I look over at Samisa, Rukmal and Dee and just […]
#8 Carrots, A-ha moments and Personal Visions
Have you ever found an answer or a solution staring you in the face but you couldn’t see it because you were just too close to it? As contradictory as that may sound, I have to be honest – it’s happened to me several times. This week has been a week of chaotic mornings and […]
#7 Milk Tea, Halapa and Hackathons
“A cup of tea solves everything.” (Unknown) Right, I’m not really sure where I should start this week. Once you’ve read through this you will understand my conundrum of finding a starting point. It’s been one of those weeks where everything has been happening at accelerated paces and parallel tug-of-wars. So instead of starting at […]
#6 Pol sambol sandwich epiphanies and other stories
Before I get into pol sambol sandwiches and epiphanies, you may be wondering – what’s my quote for the week? Here it is…. “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” (H.E. Luccock) It’s our 1 1/2 month birthday at Team Avinya! As we cross the threshold of yet […]
#5 GitHub, Sprinting and Mission Statements
When I’m old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say, “Wow, that was an adventure,” not “Wow, I sure felt safe.” (Tom Preston Werner, GitHub Co-founder) It’s only apt that I use a quote this week from the GitHub Co-founder. It’s for two reasons. 1) I have used this quote many […]
#4 Learn Early. Learn Often.
“Learn Early. Learn Often.” (Drew Houston, Dropbox Co-founder) This has resonated with me a lot this week. You know how you get into things and think I kind of have this figured out? But then a curve ball comes your way and you find yourself rethinking your ‘figured out state’? Well that’s what […]
#3 What’s your Ikigai?
Didn’t think I’d start off Avinya’s Week 3 Weekly Update with that question, but it’s been an eventful and insightful week as well as a week of reflection as we take concrete steps to firm up the (pun intended) foundation of our foundation! What’s Ikigai? “Ikigai (ee-key-guy) is a Japanese concept that combines the terms iki, meaning […]
#2 Stop and smell the winds of change…
“Sometimes we can only find out true direction when we let the wind of change carry us.” (Mimi Novic) It’s been that kind of a week behind the scenes at team Avinya. You know the weeks when you discover that the days of the week are starting to morph into one 🙂 We’ve been scurrying […]
#1 Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
What’s so special about the 22 of August 2022? Apparently it’s National Tooth Fairy Day and Be An Angel Day apart from many other interesting days (https://nationaltoday.com/august-22-holidays/). But the most important one for us is of course: Avinya’s liftoff! Apart from it being a monumentally special day for the small team of us behind the scenes, […]