At The Avinya Foundation, we believe that every underprivileged student deserves a chance to achieve their dreams and create a bright future.
Would you like to become a part of their transformative journey and make a lasting impact on the future of Sri Lanka?
Our “Gifts of Change” program is where you have the power to make a lasting impact on underprivileged students’ lives.
Through a variety of sponsorship options, you can be a catalyst for positive change and help them build a better future.
To ensure the continuous growth and impact of Avinya Academies we require sustainable funding for day-to-day operations. Here’s how you can contribute to keeping our academies vibrant and thriving:
Choose to sponsor a student for the entire Empower program or on a monthly basis, ensuring a steady support system for their education and skills training.
Every contribution, big or small, counts. Your donations go towards providing educational resources, upgrading programs, and a nurturing learning environment.
To achieve our lofty goal of establishing an Avinya Academy in every divisional secretariat of the country, we need to find land in each of these areas. We do not wish to own property – we seek donations or non-commercial leases of potential school properties on a long term basis (of 30 years or more).
To make a lasting positive change and build new Academies we need to find ways of making buildings come to life and be instrumental in part of our Avinya story.
IMPORTANT: The Avinya Foundation will not take any overhead charge on any contributions. 100% of your contributions will go for the stated purpose and that purpose only.
With the “Gifts of Change” program, you can make a meaningful difference and empower these talented individuals to make a positive impact on society.
Ready to make a difference and be a part of this transformative journey?
You can email us at and join us in our mission to uplift and empower underprivileged students.
Your generosity will not only change their lives but also inspire hope and drive positive change in communities around the world.
Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for being a part of the Avinya Foundation’s journey to transform lives and shape a better tomorrow.