#30 Flambeau, 50:30:20 and a Passport to Cyberspace
Hello! It’s Isuru again. Another awesome week has passed since our last blog update and we are so excited to share our thoughts and experiences with you people. Personally, last week was so special for me because it was my birthday. I still can’t stop smiling when I think about all the love and […]
#29 Avinya Avant-garde, Dr. Phil and UNO!
Hi and welcome back! I have recovered (mostly) from my untimely meeting with a staircase and am back to take the reins for our weekly update while our beloved resident blogger is out somewhere counting taps, hunting down accountants and trying to minimize a file to 100KB. Truly an adventurous week. In the meantime, Isuru […]
#28 Special Bouquets, Avinya Style and Developing Shilpa
We’ve got yet another special edition blog this week which I’m thrilled to share with you. We have a guest feature by none other than Dr. Tara de Mel who visited us this week and who is also a Member of the Avinya Foundation. The students were very happy to share their project work with […]
#27 අවින්යා වෘත්තීය අධ්යාපන මඟ, Razzle Dazzle, Crossword Puzzles and Fun with Tech
රන් තැටියට හිඟමන් යදින සුබසාධන ක්රමය වෙනස් කරන අවින්යා වෘත්තීය අධ්යාපන මඟ බණ්ඩාරගම අවින්යා ඇකඩමිය දැන් ලංකාවට මඟඇරුණු වෘත්තීය මඟ පැහදිලි කර දී ඇත. එය ව්යාපෘති මූලික අධ්යයන ක්රියාවලියකි. පළමු මාස 6ට අයත් බලගැන්වීමේ වැඩාසටහන, විසිඑක්වැනි සියවසට ඉල්ලන වෘත්තීය සහ ජීවන කුසලතා මතු කිරීමට අවධානය ගනී. ඉතිරි වසර දෙකක කාලයට අයත් වෘත්තීය පුහුණුව මඟින්ත මන් […]
#26 Be my Valentine, Upcycling and the Elements
As I write this I’m sitting in a borrowed Educator office space with a ‘sea view’ room (well at least a beautiful water body called the Metta pond), I hear the soft murmurs of a school and realized how much this is a part of me. I observed the Educators have a stronger spring in […]
#25 Acclimatization, Fitness, Multi-tasking and chocolate
It’s been a week of…well the best word that I can think of is… acclimatization. We’ve been down in Bandaragama frequently over the past few months for interviews, site visits and meetings. Orientation week gave us a sneak peek but this week…well this week has been a full window into our new adventure! The […]
#24 Orientation week, giving thanks, BINGO and hope
Lots of things to celebrate this week! We are celebrating 24 weeks of Avinya’s blog being up, a moving multi-religious ceremony to commemorate the soft opening of our beautiful new campus facility and meeting and connecting with some wonderful new people in our new home in Bandaragama. We are celebrating one more thing: the start […]
#23 Curveballs, Grit and Action Stations
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein This week I’d like to open with this quote because it’s been an interesting week full of curveballs and some unique challenges. I chose this particular quote because it encapsulates the essence of how we at Avinya […]
#22 Uniforms, Norming, Storming, Performing and Roofs
Let’s start with uniforms this week. We gave out our first set of uniforms to our enrolled students this week. Let me tell you that the sheer look of happiness on everyone’s faces, parents and students, could only be compared with our excitement to teach them and empower them through the curriculum and learning experience […]
#21 GTKY, Inspiring reads and Karapincha
This week, has been a lot of fun and I will tell you why – very simple, GTKY. GTKY = Get To Know You. That’s exactly what our Educator team has been busy doing apart from interviewing, workshops and onboarding students. They have been spending time getting to know their students. We’ve divided the students enrolled […]